Using an upstream Go modules repository (deprecated)

Note: the filter file that this page documents is deprecated. Please instead see “Filtering with the download mode file” for updated instructions on how to set upstream repositories in Athens.

By default, Athens fetches module code from an upstream version control system (VCS) like, but this can be configured to use a Go modules repository like GoCenter or another Athens Server.

  1. Create a filter file (e.g /usr/local/lib/FilterForGoCenter) with letter D (stands for “direct access”) in first line. For more details, please refer to documentation on - Filtering Modules

    # FilterFile for fetching modules directly from upstream
  2. If you are not using a config file, create a new config file (based on the sample and edit values to match your environment). Additionally in the current or new config file, set the following parameters as suggested:

    FilterFile = "/usr/local/lib/FilterForGoCenter"
    GlobalEndpoint = "https://<url_to_upstream>"
    # To use GoCenter for example, replace <url_to_upstream> with
    # You can also use to use the Go Module mirror
  3. Restart Athens specifying the updated current or new config file.

     <path_to_athens>/proxy  -config_file <path-to updated  current or new configfile>
  4. Verify the new configuration using the steps mentioned in “Try out Athens” document, and go through the same walkthrough example.

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